Vega’s cultural resource management services provide comprehensive archaeological and historical assessment services. Vega staff will work with you to understand and comply with cultural resource regulations and laws at the local, state, federal, and tribal levels, including the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106, National American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), and American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA)
Vega provides a range of services including National Register of Historic Places evaluations, HABS/HAER consultations, historic building inventories, ethnographic/ethnohistoric reviews, archival research, class I-III cultural resource inventories, archeological overview assessments, geoarchaeological assessments, mitigation strategies, archaeological potential models, project mapping, research design development, laboratory analysis, government compliance work, Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) studies, and collaborative approaches to management and fieldwork.