Civic. Featured civic, in progress, historic, hospitality The Gold Dome | OKC civic, in progress, historic, hospitality civic, in progress, historic, hospitality civic, in progress, workplace, historic, high tech, government National Center for Atmospheric Research / UCAR | Various Projects civic, in progress, workplace, historic, high tech, government civic, in progress, workplace, historic, high tech, government in progress, civic, workplace, government Summit County Library | Main Branch in progress, civic, workplace, government in progress, civic, workplace, government in progress, civic, workplace, government Summit County Library | North Branch in progress, civic, workplace, government in progress, civic, workplace, government civic, industrial, government Summit County | Sand + Salt Shed civic, industrial, government civic, industrial, government civic, in progress Mikvah of East Denver | MOED civic, in progress civic, in progress civic, workplace, historic Wazee Exchange civic, workplace, historic civic, workplace, historic civic, workplace, historic Rock Island civic, workplace, historic civic, workplace, historic civic, grocery + retail, historic Lowenstein Theater, Retail and Parking civic, grocery + retail, historic civic, grocery + retail, historic